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Cited article:

The Seine River Basin

Jérôme Belliard, Sarah Beslagic and Evelyne Tales
The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, The Seine River Basin 90 301 (2020)

Influence of the water quality improvement on fish population in the Seine River (Paris, France) over the 1990–2013 period

Sam Azimi and Vincent Rocher
Science of The Total Environment 542 955 (2016)

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S. Azimi, O. Rousselot and V. Rocher
Techniques Sciences Méthodes (7-8) 12 (2015)

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A comparison of modeling techniques to predict juvenile 0+ fish species occurrences in a large river system

J. Leclere, T. Oberdorff, J. Belliard and F. Leprieur
Ecological Informatics 6 (5) 276 (2011)