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Transient Receptor Potential-Vanilloid (TRPV1-TRPV4) Channels in the Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar. A Focus on the Pineal Gland and Melatonin Production
A multimodel comparison for assessing water temperatures under changing climate conditions via the equilibrium temperature concept: case study of the Middle Loire River, France
Vincent Bustillo, Florentina Moatar, Agnès Ducharne, Dominique Thiéry and Alain Poirel Hydrological Processes 28(3) 1507 (2014)
Dramatic changes in a phytoplankton community in response to local and global pressures: a 24‐year survey of the river Loire (France)
S Larroudé, N Massei, P Reyes‐Marchant, C Delattre and JF Humbert Global Change Biology 19(5) 1620 (2013)
Global versus local change effects on a large European river