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Groundwater quality and hydrochemical characteristics in the upper Seybouse sub-basin, Northeast Algeria
Yassine Gueroui, Aissam Bousbia, Sofiane Boudalia, Hassen Touati, Mahdid Benaissa and Ammar Maoui Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31(18) 26628 (2024)
Global overview on groundwater fauna
Fabien Koch, Philipp Blum, Kathryn Korbel and Kathrin Menberg Ecohydrology 17(1) (2024)
Kevin A. Wood, Steven G. Mlodinow, Michael A. Ciaranca, Charles C. Allin, Gwilym S. Jones, Guy M. Kirwan and Brooke K. Keeney (2024)
Groundwater quality and aquatic fauna of some wells and springs from Meknes area (Morocco)
El Moustaine Radouane, Chahlaoui Abdelkader, Khaffou Mhamed, Rour El Habib and Boulal Mokhtar Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes 8(3) 327 (2024)
Influence of water quality on composition and diversity of groundwater fauna in North Africa
Qualité bactériologique des eaux d’abreuvements des ruminants dans la zone semi-aride d’Oum El Bouaghi, Algérie
K. Chaker-Houd, R. Boukhris, L. Boudechiche, S. Maatalah and A. Slimani Techniques Sciences Méthodes (6) 23 (2018)
Groundwater biodiversity and water quality of wells in the Southern region of Benin
An annotated checklist of freshwater stygobiotic crustaceans of Africa and Madagascar
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