Fig. 2

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Yearly mean of simulated hourly distances for European perch as a function of the selectivity parameter, p, varying from 1% to 100%. The solid red line represents the simulated mean (across all time steps, all individuals and all replicates) and the dashed red lines its range over the ten replicates (very close to the mean). The solid blue line is the yearly mean of observed hourly distances over all data and the dashed blue lines are its 95% confidence interval. Each grey boxplot represents the simulated distribution of the hourly distances for the 365 × 50 × 10 × 24 h. The blue boxplot stands for observed values. The extreme values of the observed boxplot are truncated and the maximum value, 1140, is displayed. Boxplots represent extreme values and 25%, 50% and 75% quantiles.
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