Open Access

Table 3

Total length (TL, cm) and number of individual positions of fish recorded by the telemetry method during the hydroacoustic surveys. The presence (yes) or absence (no) of a pressure sensor allowing the fish position in the water column to be defined is noted.

Longueur totale (LT, cm) et nombre de positions individuelles de poissons enregistré par télémétrie pendant la campagne d’hydroacoustique. La présence (oui) ou l’absence (non) d’un capteur de pression permettant de déterminer la position du poisson au sein de la colonne d’eau est renseignée.

Transmitter (mean burst interval (s), type of transmitter) Species Pressure sensor Total length (cm) No. Posit. Day No. Posit. Night
T123 (120, V8-4L) roach no 25.4 27 26
T124 (120, V84L) roach no 23.6 7 12
T125 (120,V8-4L) roach no 22 17 14
T56 (90, V9P-2L) perch yes 43 44 /
T112 (120, V9P-2L) perch yes 48.6 18 18
T114 (120, V9P-2L) perch yes 37.9 1 /
T115 (120, V9P-2L) perch yes 41.5 26 15
T117 (120, V9P-2L) perch yes 32.2 20 10
T118 (120, V9P-2L) perch yes 40.5 15 38
T15 (90, V9P-2L) pikeperch yes 42.8 4 1
T111 (120, V9P-2L) pikeperch yes 57 25 23
      Total 204 157

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