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Influence of a hydroelectric dam on fish mercury contamination along the Sinnamary River (French Guiana)

Régine Maury-Brachet, Émilie P. Dassié, Alexia Legeay, Patrice Gonzalez, Agnès Feurtet-Mazel, François Gourand, Yannick Dominique and Régis Vigouroux
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The sources and distribution of carbon (DOC, POC, DIC) in a mangrove dominated estuary (French Guiana, South America)

R. Ray, E. Michaud, R. C. Aller, et al.
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Science of The Total Environment 364 (1-3) 260 (2006)

Demonstration of the determining role of dissolved methane in the consumption of dissolved oxygen in an equatorial river

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SIL Proceedings, 1922-2010 27 (3) 1400 (2000)

Evolution of physico-chemical water quality and methane emissions in the tropical hydroelectric reservoir of Petit Saut (French Guiana)

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Long‐term greenhouse gas emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs in tropical forest regions

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Influence of Light Intensity on Methanotrophic Bacterial Activity in Petit Saut Reservoir, French Guiana

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