Open Access
Table I
Environmental variables describing each fish position.
Variables environnementales associées à chacune des positions de poissons.
Identifier | Type | Description |
PHOTOPERIOD (PP) | Category | Four phases of the day: ‘Dawn’ and ‘Dusk’ covering for two hours the sunrise and sunset* and ‘Day’ and ‘Night’, corresponding to hours recorded between Dawn and Dusk. |
TEMP_S (MT) | Numerical | Mean daily water temperature, 50 cm below the surface (°C) in downstream part of the reservoir |
WATER_LEVEL _DAY (WL) | Numerical | Mean daily water level of the reservoir (m NGF) calculated on hourly data |
ABS_AMP_DAY (WLDif_D) | Numerical | Absolute value of the difference between the mean water level of day J and day J-1 (m) |
DIRECTION_DAY (WLFD_D) | Category | Direction of WLF since the previous day. This is a two-mode variable: fall and rise |
ACCUM_ABS_AMP_WEEK (WLDif_W) | Numerical | Sum of the ABS_AMP_DAY over the last 7 days (m) |
DIRECTION_WEEK (WLFD_W) | Category | Direction of WLF since the last 7 days. This is a two-mode variable: fall and rise |
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