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Investigating key biological parameters of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) in a large Asian reservoir to better develop sustainable fisheries

D. Beaune, J. Guillard, M. Cottet, et al.
Hydroécologie Appliquée 21 157 (2021)

The impact of a hydroelectric dam on Neotropical fish communities: A spatio‐temporal analysis of the Trophic Upsurge Hypothesis

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Direct fishing and eDNA metabarcoding for biomonitoring during a 3-year survey significantly improves number of fish detected around a South East Asian reservoir

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Fish catch and fishing practices in the Nam Theun 2 Reservoir and watershed (Lao PDR)

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Length-weight relationships of eight Asian freshwater fish species in Nam Theun 2 Reservoir (Laos PDR)

A. Tessier, J. Guillard, V. Chanudet and M. Cottet
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Do novel ecosystems follow predictable trajectories? Testing the trophic surge hypothesis in reservoirs using fish

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5 years of monitoring of zooplankton community dynamics in a newly impounded sub-tropical reservoir in Southeast Asia (Nam Theun 2, Lao PDR)

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