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Utilisation de données hydrobiologiques anciennes dans le contexte actuel de la biodiversité, conséquences et limites de l'exercice

Georges Carrel, Alain Dutartre and Marie-Claude Roger
Sciences Eaux & Territoires Numéro 3 (3) 92 (2010)

Impacts of global changes and extreme hydroclimatic events on macroinvertebrate community structures in the French Rhône River

Martin Daufresne, Pierre Bady and Jean-François Fruget
Oecologia 151 (3) (2007)

Long‐term changes within the invertebrate and fish communities of the Upper Rhône River: effects of climatic factors

M. Daufresne, M. C. Roger, H. Capra and N. Lamouroux
Global Change Biology 10 (1) 124 (2004)

Levels of Heavy Metals and Vitamin C in Deformed Thornfish Found in Thermal Waters and Effect of Vitamin C on Deformation of Thornfish

Deng-Fwu Hwang, Liang-Tan Chien, Kwang-Tsao Shao and Sen-Shyong Jeng
Fisheries science 64 (2) 291 (1998)

Theoretical habitat templets, species traits, and species richness: aquatic oligochaetes in the Upper Rhône River and its floodplain

Freshwater Biology 31 (3) 327 (1994)